2023 Legislative Session

Legislative Advocacy Legislative Advocacy
The mission of the American Planning Association Louisiana Chapter (APA-LA) is to promote the practice of community and regional planning in Louisiana through community and member services. APA-LA members are planners for cities, parishes, private entities and other agencies that support the public welfare through the technical practice of forecasting future conditions and engaging the public to identify the most effective actions to ensure sustained economic and social vitality of communities.
Visit the American Planning Association's Policy and Advocacy Page

The Legislative Committee (LC) supports the APA-LA mission by educating its members and elected officials about legislative matters that impact the planning profession and the overall vitality of our communities. In general, the LC will align legislative advocacy messages and activities with policy principles and statements set by APA. In addition, the LC will review legislative matters, engage and inform committee members, and advocate for planning principles to the state legislature.
PLANNING/ZONING-LOCAL: Provides relative to the Shreveport Metropolitan Planning Commission
letter to Governor John Bel Edwards
Enables public meetings online in LA during states of emergencies
For a pre-filled support statement to your representative Click Here.
Provides for the enforcement of coastal use permits.
Provides for the enforcement of coastal use permits.
Historic Structures Tax Credit
Renews (extends) the tax credit presently set to sunset January 1, 2022.
Join the APA Planner's Advocacy Network
2020 Legislative Priorities Flyer
2019 Legislative Priorities Flyer
2019 Legislative One Pager Handout
2018-2019 Legislative Report
Contact the Legislative Committee Chair
Lyneisha Jackson at ljackson@louisianaplanning.com