Awards Submission Criteria

Award Categories

These awards recognize excellence of plans, processes, and implementation of plans or programs. Also recognized are those who are advocates for the planning profession, in addition to great places.

All award submissions will be submitted through the following link. You should receive an email confirming your submission. If you do not, please contact the Ashley Gremillion at

Planning Excellence Awards

Excellence Award For a Plan

For a comprehensive plan, or a separate plan that addresses a specific area such as a neighborhood, downtown, corridor, redevelopment area, or critical and sensitive area, or a specific topic such as transportation, housing, economic development, community facilities, parks and open space, or hazards mitigation; with an emphasis on plans that advance the science and art of planning.

Excellence Award for a Process

For an initiative, program, or project that illustrates how a community uses citizen participation and the planning process to create a plan or realize an implementation strategy under the traditional scope of planning, or to address a need extending beyond the traditional scope of planning in new or different settings; with an emphasis on the involvement of people in the creation and management of their built and natural environments.

Excellence Award for Implementation

For a planning technology, program, project, or tool, such as a land development regulation, incentive, financial initiative, or similar measure, that is ensuring the realization of proposals advanced in a plan and accomplishing positive change with medium- to long-term, measurable results through continuous effect for a minimum of four years.

Click to learn more about Excellence Awards

Planning Achievement Awards

Provides individual recognition for leadership in the profession, enriching the quality of life for a community, and lifetime achievement and President's awards. Learn more about the Planning Achievement Award for:

Enriching a Community's Quality of Life in Honor of Francis P. Keevers

For an individual, elected or appointed official, group, or organization that promotes planning through sustained commitment to a project, program or plan; addresses community concerns through special actions or significant contributions to planning initiatives; or demonstrates exceptional collaboration with diverse interests to improve a community’s quality of life. Honors the late Frank Keevers for his contributions to improving the quality of life of a community through civic and business endeavors.

Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership

For a professional planner who earns or has earned their living in planning, who contributes significantly to the advancement of planning practice or academic education over a sustained period through exemplary leadership and substantial accomplishments, as a credit to the American Planning Association

Elected Official

Elected official in National, State, or local government. 

Student Achievement

For an outstanding class project or paper by a student or group of students in a planning or related program that embodies good planning practice or applied research and contributes to advances in planning.

The APA-Louisiana Student Project Award recognizes outstanding class projects or papers by a student or group of students and intends to recognize exceptional work that advances the field of urban planning, work primarily by the student(s) with minimal, appropriate guidance by faculty.

Education or Advocacy

For an individual, program, or project that uses information and advocates education about the value of planning to create greater awareness among citizens or the public and inspire interest and participation in planning.

Chapter Volunteer of the Year

Chapter leadership will nominate candidates that have made significant commitments to APA LA. Candidates do not need to be Officers.

Green Building Award (presented jointly with USGBC)

Great Places in Louisiana

APA LA seeks to identify places in our state that exemplify local character, quality of experience, and excellent planning. This program is modeled after APA's Great Places in America recognition program. The three "place" categories are:

  • Great Streets
  • Great Neighborhoods
  • Great Public Spaces

There is no application fee and nominations are made regionally, via Section Directors. All award submissions will be submitted through the following link.